Welcome to Siva Hari’s web site.
Here you can find out information about the band, their latest work, the songs, photos, videos and contact. You can listen to our latest albums on SoundCloud. We are pleased to announce the arrival of two new CDs from the band. We think these CDs represent the band well and are proud to present them to our public.
We have changed the spelling of the band’s name from Siva Hari to Shiva Hari to be more in tune with people’s expectations of the way Shiva should be spelled. You will reach this website by typing sivahari.com or shivahari.com.
Siva Hari is Mamed Sadykh-Pur and Robert Campagnola. Mamed is a musician, composer, producer and internet wizard from Almaty, Kazakhstan and Robert is from Florida, USA. Together they have an enormous amount of fun composing and recording all types of music. You may find out more about at www.robertcampagnola.com.
Here you can find out information about the band, their latest work, the songs, photos, videos and contact. You can listen to our latest albums on SoundCloud. We are pleased to announce the arrival of two new CDs from the band. We think these CDs represent the band well and are proud to present them to our public.
We have changed the spelling of the band’s name from Siva Hari to Shiva Hari to be more in tune with people’s expectations of the way Shiva should be spelled. You will reach this website by typing sivahari.com or shivahari.com.
Siva Hari is Mamed Sadykh-Pur and Robert Campagnola. Mamed is a musician, composer, producer and internet wizard from Almaty, Kazakhstan and Robert is from Florida, USA. Together they have an enormous amount of fun composing and recording all types of music. You may find out more about at www.robertcampagnola.com.

A scene from one of our recent parties.